Intervention Orders

Intervention Orders are Court Orders that prohibit certain types of behaviors and interactions between parties. These Orders can contain various conditions ranging from not allowing any contact between the parties to more limited Orders that prohibit abusive behaviours but still allow contact.

There are two types of Intervention Orders – Family Violence or Personal Safety Intervention Orders.

  • Family Violence Intervention Orders, broadly speaking, apply to parties who are regarded as “family members” according to the Family Violence Protection Act. This commonly relates to spouses, domestic relationships, children (including step-children), grandparents and other culturally recognised relationships, amongst others.
  • Personal Safety Intervention Orders, broadly speaking, apply to parties who are not regarded as family and commonly relate to friends, strangers, neighbours or work colleagues, amongst others.

Intervention Orders have many stages and can vary in complexity. We endeavour to used fixed fees as far as possible to provide you with certainty and allow you to focus on your matter. If you require assistance with applying for or responding to an Intervention Order, or you would like to discuss our fees further, please contact us.

Our Fees

Whether you are thinking about applying for an Intervention Order or have just been served with an Intervention Order application and/or Interim Order, you will need to know what to expect. We can provide you with initial advice, which includes an overview of the Intervention Order process, your options and what to expect at Court, at a time convenient to you.

Initial Advice – $400.00

What is included: 

  • Up to 1.5 hours of initial advice conducted via video conference or telephone.*

Please note, if we represent you at the Mention Hearing this fee will be waived upon payment of our Mention Hearing fee.

*Please see ‘Extras’ below, for information about in person appointments.

Mention Hearing – $1,500.00

What is included: 

  • A pre-hearing interview, up to 1.5 hours, this includes taking instructions from you, providing you with an overview of the Intervention Order process, your options and what to expect at Court, all at a time convenient to you . The interview is usually conducted via video conference at a mutually suitable time. After hours appointments are also available at no extra cost.*
  • Representation on the day of the Mention Hearing at the Magistrates’ or Children’s Court. This includes negotiations with police or the other party, advice throughout the day and representation in Court. Please note, the majority of Intervention Order hearings are listed for the morning, however, depending on how long negotiations take and how busy the Court is, we may be at Court until late afternoon (up to 1 day).
  • Follow up discussion (up to 30 minutes).

*Please see ‘Extras’ below, for information about in person appointments.

Directions Hearing – $1,750.00 (for clients that have been represented by us at the Mention Hearing) or $1,900.00 (for new clients)

What is included:

  • A pre-hearing interview, up to 1.5 hours, this includes taking instructions from you, providing you with an overview of the Intervention Order process, your options and what to expect at Court, all at a time convenient to you . The interview is usually conducted via video conference at a mutually suitable time. After hours appointments are also available at no extra cost (for new clients only)*.
  • An interview to obtain relevant information in relation to preparing Further and Better Particulars or a Response to these if ordered by the Court (up to 30 minutes).
  • Guidance to help you prepare your Further and Better Particulars or a Response to these if ordered by the Court (up to 30 minutes).
  • Proof reading and advising on your Further and Better Particulars or a Response to these if ordered by the Court (up to 1 hour).
  • Representation on the day of the Directions Hearing at the Magistrates’ or Children’s Court. This includes negotiations with police or the other party, advice throughout the day and representation in Court. Please note, the majority of Intervention Order hearings are listed for the morning, however, depending on how long negotiations take and how busy the Court is, we may be at Court until late afternoon (up to 1 day).
  • Follow up discussion (up to 30 minutes)

*Please see ‘Extras’ below, for information about in person appointments.

Contested Hearing – $2,000.00 (for clients that have been represented by us at the Directions Hearing) or $2,250.00 (for new clients)

What is included:

  • A pre-hearing interview, up to 1.5 hours, this includes taking instructions from you, providing you with an overview of the Intervention Order process, your options and what to expect at Court, all at a time convenient to you . The interview is usually conducted via video conference at a mutually suitable time. After hours appointments are also available at no extra cost (for new clients only).*
  • An interview prior to the hearing to obtain your instructions (up to 1 hour).
  • Preparation of materials and a brief to a barrister (up to 4 hours).
  • A discussion with you prior to the hearing about any procedural matters (up to 30 minutes).

Please note barrister fees are payable in addition to our fee. These range substantially depending on the experience of the barrister and their seniority. As a guide, fees can range from less than $1,000.00 through to $5,000.00 upwards. We will endeavor to find a barrister to suit your budget. Please note barrister fees are to be paid directly to the barrister.

*Please see ‘Extras’ below, for information about in person appointments.

Whilst we endeavour to used fixed fees as far as possible, some matters will require extra work or incur additional costs outside our included scope.

Additional work
If additional work is required we will discuss this with you before any costs are incurred. Additional work may be required when we have to conduct lengthy legal research, peruse large volumes of documents or watch substantial CCTV footage. Additional work will be charged at a rate of $350.00 per hour.

If your matter is adjourned (this may commonly occur at a hearing when the Court puts your matter on hold until a later date) we will discuss a reduced fee for our subsequent assistance if you have not caused the adjournment.

Please note that we will discuss any venue hire and/or travel fees if video conferencing is not used.
All prices indicated are for appearances in the Geelong Magistrates’ Court. We are happy to travel to regional or metropolitan Courts including Colac, Werribee and Melbourne. Travel costs will be discussed on a case by case basis.

Home/Office visits
We are able to do home or office visits in the Geelong region. If you would like us to come to you please discuss this with us.